Reading certain people's blogs (who live way up north) lately feels like I'm reading fiction novels. They all talk about how dreadfully cold it is, and describe snow, (the likes of which I've never seen in my life), and like my favourite blogger Matthieu of Chicago says:
"Chicago; AKA Gotham City. Blizzard. High today is 4˚. Fucking four? Yes FOUR.
Under these ominous clouds the entire city is monochromatic puke grey and it’s breaking my heart. Planning for my own personal prison break. Looking west in the spirit of youthful self-preservation and escape artistry. i need to be a fox on the run again. "
It's all just painfully beyond me...
Do you see what I wore to school today??
Does it look like a proper winter outfit to you?!
To make matters worse, I keep seeing all these gorgeously fabulous coats in all the catalogs and fashion magazines that I would love to own. But what good would they do me where I live?? I'd die of heatstroke.
Global Effing Warming.
i luv skuls
I just saw on the news that we've had only two weekends with no snow since Christmas. WTF! I've had enough. Good thing I have my awesome skull boots.
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