The question is, do you prefer Angelic Demons or Demonic Angels??

"As your wings discard their feathers on the ground, I see a halo up above you"

"Hello, Angel... tell me, where are you? Tell me where we go from here. "

"Tell me I'm an Angel. Take this to my grave."
Demonic angels are where it's at!
"Who knows what beautiful and winged life, whose egg has been buried for ages under many concentric layers of woodenness in the dead dry life of society ... may unexpectedly come forth ... to enjoy its perfect summer life at last! ... such is the character of that morrow which mere lapse of time can never make to dawn. ... Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star."
Angels, demons, it's kind of all he same shit to me. I mean it's like, I gues you have to believe in a 'god' and believe in 'church' and stuff to believe in that but I don't believe in religion in angels and demons terms so it's all kind of a farse. I read that back and it sounds negative but that is like when people talk about the 'devil' and I think, 'well, I don't believe in that dude living up in the sky called God so why would I believe in the dude living below called the devil.' get my drift?
I think it's more of a romanticism. If you think to hard about the existence of 'god' and the 'devil', you may go crossed-eyed. You cannot doubt the existence of good and evil, which is the basic principle behind that.
Whoa that tattoo of the wings is crazy! Cool pics
it's hard to find people like you ^_^
i am same like you exept i am boy and i dont like little pony and the hello kitty (exept in goth form :P) i like japanese people and japanmusick (....everythink japanese... anime manga their towns their vil.... anf more)
i dont believe angels exist or gods exist...
i believe we have the power to control the world with our mind... and if we made that we can create what we wish... (i wish i could summon naruto... in a weird way i believe in magik) :)
:) Magic powers would be awesome! I'd create a time machine so that I could go back and forth in time whenever I wanted.
Japan RULES!!!!!!
Hi, I'm not a religious person. I don't believe in God or Satan. My friends and i have discused this subject many, many times. The cause of which is the nickname they gave me. For years now, they have called me Their Fallen Angel. I know, i know, that sounds a little off but bear with me, K? The way i see it if that name really applies, i have definitly fallen from grace. The way they see it, angels only fall from grace to catch those who, themselves, have fallen. The reason i tell you this is because i do believe in angels and demons. I believe they're people. People who choose, because they do have a choice, whether they will reach out an help those who they see fit to help, or if they will ignore a soul that calls to them for the very help they deny.... i'm a teenage goth girl from empire so are most of my friends (though all of them are boys), i get the whole people not being all that eager to 'catch those who fall'. Anyway, what i was getting at is that angels and demons are just you and i. That leaves us only a two questions: Between Angels and Demons, which is 'Good' and which is 'Bad'? With the final question being 'Which one are you?'....
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