Wednesday, September 30, 2009

dance in the dust... just DANCE in the dust.

I'm seriously considering dropping a class just to avoid having to do the "mandatory" final group project at the end of the semester. How anti social can I get?? I don't know, but I'm curious to find out. Group projects can go to hell and burn forever.

In other news...

TIM BURTON IS A GOD. (and I worship him with every fiber of my being).

If you haven't picked up a copy of the current October 2009 issue of Harper's Bazaar, this is what you're missing:



And, yes, this was pretty much the ONLY reason I bought this magazine. I'm forever thankful to my classmate for thinking of me and being kind enough to tell me about it.

And just as a random aside...

Don't you think that it's amazing how an (otherwise) complete STRANGER can have the power to alter your life in such a powerful way, just by the way they choose to express themselves? A singer for example, who writes songs about his (or her) own personal experiences and emotions, letting you into their mindset and hearts through their music... how unbelievable is it that one single person can have such an impact on your own core being? (Or Tim Burton, for example, who creates beautiful films that let someone like me know that it's okay to be a little WEIRD??).

I woke up this morning in a really dark mood. (Nothing out of the ordinary... as I sort of said a couple posts ago: it's just who I am. There's always some kind of dark cloud looming above my head). But I obtained a new collection of music from my favourite band yesterday. I think in this day and age it's become very easy to underestimate the 'power of music' and 'music as an art form' because of all the mindless CRAP that fills the airwaves on a daily basis. But when you DO finally come across a true gem of auditory candy - well - it just makes it that much sweeter. Your favourite band/singer/artist/whatever is YOUR favourite for a reason. By some weird cosmic force in the universe, you just happen to have a spiritual connection to this person/persons and the fact that you are able to understand them by, (and find comfort through), something as simple as the sound of their voice is a beautiful thing.

My point is: everyone should take the time to truly appreciate, and to TRULY allow your life to be altered (in the best of ways) by something and/or someone that inspires you in any way, shape or form. Pay attention to what your muses are conveying to you: it's the best medicine in the world. Cherish each moment you have with it. And draw from it whenever your weary soul needs an extra 'boost'.

In other words, "wake up, sleeper".

I hope that makes sense.

That is all.



kissa-bull said...

ahh cuzin would'nt it be grand if everyday was halloweeny lol

Ginny said...

This is why I try not to put people down for their music choices. I'm sure I like some music that other people don't like but I enjoy it and it connect with it and it makes me happy. Everyone needs music that moves them.

one little simitopian said...

Oh so true! Music is magic! Hey, those 2 words are even very similar....
That photoshoot is AMAZING!!!!! I want all of those clothes! My favourite is the mummy/ball of string pic.I actually saw them on the internet last night, and thought they'd be right up your alley ;) Tim Burton is so fucking COOL.
Ugh, group project! I couldn't do that either. kinda like trying to create a painting, but with about 5 people all trying to hold the brush :S I like to have full creative control of anything I make! I guess it's an exercise in "teamwork and co-operation" and all that crap, but yeah, like you I prefer to be left to my own devices and operate ALONE!

JOWY said...

Tim Burton is my hero , the man is BRILLIANT!

One Love,

Baybay Mama said...

I was so glad you stopped by at the most perfect ppost when I needed your guidance. Your words were amazing and really something I took to my heart and geared into my brain. I hope you are doing well. I think the thing I am really holding on to is that everyone needs to be brave because life is hard and things don't always work out as planned but if we are brave than we can look bakc and say, 'we did our best.' You know? I love that Tim Burton editorial and I haven't seen it before I got to your blog.

Lauren H. said...

i too love the tim burton!
i'm going to have to go get this magazine.
and it's totally fab to be a little weird ;)

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

kissa-bull: Yes. Yes it would.

Ginny: Exactly! You totally understood where I was coming from ;)

onelittlesimitopian: Teehee! The Mummy one is my favourite look, too! I'm seriously considering trying to come up with a similar look for halloween this year, haha. But we'll see how it works out. I don't know where to start with making a head like that. EEk. I loved your metaphor about the 'five people trying to paint with one brush' thing... SO TRUE. I've never heard anyone say it better. It's always better to work alone! BLAH!!

Jowy: I agree!!

Deana: You're welcome, doll ;) I'm glad that what I said helped you in some way. I always suck at giving advice. I agree and totally understand what you mean about the being brave in life thing. Very very true. I shall take that to heart and wire it into my brain, as well. You rule, lady <3

Lauren H.: It's the most fab thing in the world! And yeah, I think I need more than one issue now, because i wanna tear every sheet out and put it up on my wall, haha.


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