Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I wanna sleep DEEP tonight.

currently listening to: the LIVE Kill Hannah songs still in my head

I should be in bed right now. But I'm not sleeping tonight.

I have a very special edition of "I SPY' for everyone tonight... and I do hope you'll let me know what you think.


Just a few hours ago, I happened to spy my favourite singer, (one of my favourite people in the world), at their kickoff show for the She Wants Revenge U.S. tour.

He was wearing what appeared to be a two tone army green military jacket with really interesting medals and belt detail... kind of like this one:

Or should I say... EXACTLY like that one.

(And just to reiterate: he just posted this on his Twitpic not two seconds ago):

I'll have you know that making that jacket almost killed me. (It's that sort of "secret" project that I had been hinting at for some time). It took half a lifetime to finish... and I STILL wasn't satisfied with the results. I wish I could have taken it way further. But I ran out of time. Deadline should have been LAST night, but I found myself working on it until the very last minute, right before leaving for their show. It was my obsession. Right now I feel like it's a huge weight off my shoulders. The past few weeks, all I could think was "MUST. FINISH. JACKET."

But I managed to get it into his hands... and on his lanky frame ;) I stood there adjusting everything as if he were getting ready to walk out on the catwalk, while everyone around us stared. I kept blathering on some mindless things about how I knew he's into old school military style and how I happen to be obsessed with it at the moment, and all this other stuff.

I don't know how many of you guys have ever met anyone even remotely famous... someone that you admire so much. You know how you sit there trying to memorize and nail down EXACTLY what you know you want to say to them? And then in the actual moment it all flies out the window?

This was my second time getting to meet him and I didn't get to say what I really, truly wanted to say.

I was SUPPOSED to tell him that I got the idea for this jacket when he mentioned how much he wanted the jacket that Chester Bennington wore in JulienK's video for "Kick the Bass".

I was SUPPOSED to show him the lining and tell him how it made me think of him when I first saw it at the fabric store.

I was SUPPOSED to look into his eyes and beg him to take care of himself on the road, and to not get too crazy...

But I don't even remember what it is that I DID say.

I think I told him he needs to stop getting his jackets from Newport News. And he replied with "Newport News is the shiz." And he laughed.

And as he walked off... he was still rocking my jacket.

This is probably the last you'll hear of it from me. I'm sure he's never ganna wear it again after tonight. But it'd be nice if he did.

If anything, this was all a learning experience. In trying to remain positive, I have to say that I'm at least *somewwhat* proud of what I accomplished. I set out to do a huge project with a special meaning on my own, and I did it. I am *that* much closer to reaching my goals of being a 'designer to the rockstars' (of sorts).

I mean this was a baby step, really. But a valuable learning experience nonetheless. I want to learn if my construction skills stand up to the test of touring. I kind of hope he puts this jacket to the test. So I can know how to improve on it for next time.

Oh yes, there *will* be a next time.



kissa-bull said...

oh my gawd im so proud of you , your a bonafide rockstar designer woohoo
you effin rock !!

violetnova87 said...

Very awesome
Sounds like a night to remember
I anticipate the sequel to this :P

Unknown said...

DUDE. That is so awesome!!!! Like...that's like if Martha Stewart said, hey, I like this girl Katie's cupcakes...I eat 'em sometimes (or only once!)!! Oh man! Random Twitpic and he's wearing you jacket...that's so sick!!

PS I found a booze you will like - chocolate Guinness cake! Or rather, chocolate Guinness ice cream, dairy free made with soy but you wouldn't know it because I am sneaky!

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

kissa-bull: Heeheehee! Thanks :)

violetnova87: OOOh. He said he'd be back next year so I better get to work!

KT: Haha Martha Stewart WILL like your cupcakes one day and totally steal your recipes and then you will sue her for uh... baking plagiarism! And she'll go to jail again! haha. Ok that was random.

Ginny said...

that's awesome! He's very lucky to have a jacket made for him just by you.

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

Ginny: Aww, thank you. It was the least I could do...

crystal said...

Aww you are so brave! I hope he does wear it! Your jacket is just as good (if not BETTER) than any others!

one little simitopian said...

Woot! It's taken me awhile to get over here and read your latest posts (sorry!) but i'm glad i didn't miss this! That is so fucking awesome!!!! I would be hyperventilating with excitement if my favourite singer wore something that I'd designed! It is a gorgeous jacket. i love military inspired clothing...*swoon*
You deserve to be VERY proud of yourself missy :)
You go girl!

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

syd vicious: Thank youuuu. That really means a lot :)

one little simitopian: Yeah I was wondering where you went, lady! Thanks for your motivational words! Woot Woot!


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