Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I la-la-la-la-LIKE you. I la-la-la-la-LOVE you.

currently listening to: the Lady Gaga song that's stuck in my head as well as The Pretty Reckless - random stuff on Youtube - random fact: apparently Taylor Momsen has a band...??? And yeah, Gaga songs get stuck in your head like nobody's business.

I don't often talk about "pop culture", or what have you. Quite frankly, I'm not much of a fan. But sometimes it can't be ignored. I suppose.

Everyone and their mom seems to be going on and ON about that Godforsaken-joke-of-a-television-show, Jersey Shore, (ugh.. just saying the name makes me shudder).

I've never seen it. I don't want to. I don't think I'd be able to survive through the first five seconds, to be honest.

But every once in a while I *do* admit I love the "bad reality MTV show". (Not that one, though... oh God, not that one). I used to watch The Hills with my mom because we enjoyed laughing and making fun of that horrible Heidi whats-her-name and her equally atrocious boyfriend Spencer. MAN, they are despicable. But oh so fun to laugh at. At least, if you're too tired to do anything productive and there's nothing better to watch on the telly.

But there's another little MTV show that people seem to be ignoring, thanks to that Jersey one. Now, I'm not saying it's groundbreakingly amazing, or anything. And it's obvious that it's not 100% "real", since most scenes seem to be rehearsed and the "characters" are obviously aware that the camera is there.

But... I LIKE the girl that it revolves around.

She's not hateful. She's not shallow. She's not obsessed with her looks. She's honest, and funny, and - get this - SMART.

(And that's saying an awful LOT for any person that's ever become 'famous' through MTV).

It's called My Life as Liz. Full episodes are available on mtv.com, for anyone who's so inclined.


In other MORE INTERESTING news, I've made a few new hairclippies and I've taken better pics of all of them. But I have to edit them, so they won't be ready to show off 'till later.
Stay tuned :)


Asylum Dolly said...

Ooh ooh! New hairclips! Show us! Show Us! Sorry for my impatience :)
Ah yes, there are waaaay too many reality shows aren't there?! But funny is always good :) And I may be more of a fan of these reality shows if the people on them were as you describe this Liz girl! I'm assuming that's her with the red hair? She's pwetty :)

kissa-bull said...

well did'nt your most beutiful cousin mention the pretty reckless band to you a bit ago missy
did you like them
i just looooove zombie

Joanne Faith said...

I'm not too sure what Jersey Shore is about, but this Liz girl sounds like a far more likable character...

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

Asylum Dolly: New hairclips on yesterday's post! DO tell me what you think!! Haha yeah, she's cute, eh? The only reason I even started watching this show was because I was drawn to her hair during the commercial for it. It's the perfect shade of red! Me jealous!

kissa-bull: why, yes, my most beautiful cousin did. They're interesting. I like the zombie song the best, too.

Joanne Faith: Trust me, you're better off not knowing ;)


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