Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gas Masks, Light Sabers, and... Unicorns!!!!!!!!!

 Kerli's music videos never cease to capture my heart and her latest visual candy offering for her new song "Army of Love" is no different. 

She took the concept of, well, an "army of love" and featured semi futuristic 
 military costumes with her signature Neo-Rococo feminine style and made it a point to only utilize the colour white, with a few pastel pink details sprinkled in here and there.

OHYEAH, and there was a makeshift unicorn in a forest filled with magical christmas trees... how can you not love that?

there's LACE on the megaphone.

The song itself is okay, I guess.  (It doesn't really move me that much, but I guess it becomes sorta catchy after a while).  But I watched some of the 'behind the scenes' footage that was featured on the Popeater site where they premiered this video and was very pleased to learn that Miss Kerli likes to get her hands dirty and do a lot of the crafty/costume work herself.  She went shopping for supplies, spray painted, and glued rhinestones on masks, as well as helped to style her dancers. 

Respect :) 

Check out the video here:  KERLI - ARMY OF LOVE

I'm ganna go watch it again.  And again. 



Anonymous said...

Very very purrdy. How could i not love a lacey megaphone??? Her videos are always visually delicious, and inspire me to make more of an effort with my appearance!
Speaking of visual loveliness, yr bloggy is looking great! Sorry i've been such a blog stranger. I shall try to drop in more often ;)
♥ Bon

Law1sfab said...

wow I love the different hairstyles they look amazing !!! and the video concept looks pretty cool a visual wonder :)

Have an amazing Christmas chick and a happy new year xxxxxx
Having a giveaway if you want to enter xxx


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