Friday, January 14, 2011

everyone's a f#^%*@g fashion "designer" these days...

I find it all so discouraging, really.  Clothing lines get handed out like candy to celebrities who have no history of actually working towards it to begin with and then they want to claim it's all in the name of  "self expression".

Well, while they're busy finding new ways to make money, I sit here feeling like the very essence of my being is slowly getting gutted and drained out of me.  Four years of struggling through "fashion school" and trying to earn my place amongst true artists, and for what?? Some days it feels like I'm hanging onto these "dreams" by nothing more than a thread, and seeing somebody else profit from them only makes it worse.  These vampires suck out my soul and that's why I feel like I have nothing left to my name.  Nothing worth working for anymore. Because everyone does it.

I find no more joy in designing because EVERYONE DOES IT. 
There's no special feeling about it anymore.

So thank you for stealing the one thing I had.

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