Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Always remember to never forget your Goofiness... and stay away from "Gourmet" coffee.

When driving to my school, one has to pass under a freeway overpass where there's a stoplight. If you look to your immediate left, you'll see a hobo that has decided to call that curb under the overpass home. He stands there with a shopping cart. Nothing out of the ordinary. One day, however, he decided to show the world he has an entrepreneurial side to him.

He somehow acquired a cooler. Made a sign that said "Ice Cold Water - $1.00" and sold "ice cold" "water" bottled in various recycled bottles. Anything from previously used Evian bottles to Gatorade bottles. Yeah. (Don't think I ever saw a Lysol can in his cart, either).

As if that wasn't enough... this week he turned it up a notch.

He has a new sign, that reads "Gourmet Coffee - $3.00".


I don't even want to know how he obtains this so called "coffee".

By far, this is the goofiest hobo I've ever encountered in my life. I thought of taking a photo today, but I thought it'd be too cruel, somehow. Ha. But come on, you gatta admire that spirit of his. Wonder what he'll attempt to sell next. Perhaps bundles of (used) cigarettes?? We shall have to wait and see.

In other news, school is stressing me out. I keep falling behind in nearly all my classes and they keep throwing crap at me. And textbooks cost more than the clothes I buy. I never truly ditched a class when I was in high school. At least not by the true definition of "ditching". Now that I'm in college, I feel like ditching every damn day.

But that wouldn't be a bright idea, would it? I might end up like the Gourmet "coffee" selling hobo. And that, my friend, would be a sad, sad thing.

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