After class I ventured out with the 'rents to this strange, family-oriented, "Asian" buffet somewhere in town. I don't care how great the deal is, bottom line is that buffets are NEVER a good idea! Granted, I was starving. So I loaded up my plate with some stir-fry chicken, broccoli, a tiny spring roll, a tiny egg roll, some sushi, some buttery biscuit thing and fried onion rings. Yes, onion rings. I don't know what it was about those things, but they just called to me. And I engorged myself with many of them. But ohhhh man. When it came time for dessert, I could barely manage to stuff some kind of cookie and vanilla pudding down my throat. Buffets = instant regret.
There was this dood sitting alone at the table next to us reading "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman. I always meant to read that book but never got around to it... I looooves me some Neil Gaiman!! I was tempted to go up to him and ask him how he liked it so far and stuff but I didn't. Oh well.
LOOK! I totally just found a pic of Neil Gaiman holding a panda! I was watching one of Samantha Brown's shows on the Travel Channel a few weeks ago where she went to China and got to hold a panda, too... just like Mr. Gaiman here. I don't know about you guys, but this is hella part of my bucket list, man. Hella.
1 comment:
that buffet sounds terrible!
i can't believe they served biscuits AND onion rings AND egg rolls....hahahaha...kind of gross.
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