currently listening to: HIM - "The Path" - random fact: my mommy LOVES Ville Valo. And so do I, for that matter.
In addition to slacking on my blogging, I've also been slacking on my sewing. For shame, really. All for shame. I blame my overthinking, as always. I get an initial inspiration for something that seems like it will be a fabulous idea, and then I think and I think and I THINK about it to death... until it ends up seeming like it wasn't such a great idea to begin with.
Did that make any sense?
Probably not. But anyways... I've been trying to change all that and have been forcing myself to do little things, (WITHOUT THINKING VERY HARD ABOUT THEM), every day. I finally asked my mommy to teach me the basics of crocheting last month, and I got *close* to mastering them. (Ok, maybe not "mastering", but at least the art of it makes a lot more sense now than it used to). But my current obsession is embroidering. It is the BEST. It's like drawing with thread! I hope to have lots of neat embroidered stuff to show off soon... right now I haven't done all that much. I mainly just like doing random techniques for practice on scraps of fabric.
A few weeks ago, however, I had a sudden flash of inspiration for making brooches/pins/clip on stuff, and then I realized that these kinds of things could easily double as hair accessories. I hadn't ever attempted making hair accessories before this, so these are my crappy first attempts (in these photos).
I wore the pink leopard one in my hair to work last month and a coworker liked it so much, (she likened it to Betsey Johnson items! Whaaa..?!), that I'm making her one for free. 'Cause I'm nice like that. I hope she wears it! And obviously, I'm not feeling like a Top Model tonight, so instead of showing them off on my head, I attached them to my awesome blazer. Just to show you that they DO indeed work as brooches/clothing decorations too!
My current favourite is the green and purple with gold braid. That one probably works more as a jacket accessory than a hair one. It's more militaristic looking, hence why I adore it.
And yes, I do indeed realize that these pictures suck.
But they're only the beginning.
Lots more creations to come soon... I *hope*. I might be selling these on my Etsy too, if anyone thinks they might possibly consider being even the least bit interested.
oh my god i do embroidering , that is crazy i feel like and old lady when i sit down to do such things but its extremely relaxing to me
im currently working on a dark fairy one i ordered online. how cool!
Those were really beautiful. I envy you on that. Actually, I don't have any talent of doing any kinds of sewing especially that embroidery thing.
your mother has good taste.
Do it! Totally cute little accessories there! As you know, I LOVE hair accessories. Go for it!
And I know EXACTLY what you mean when you say you think too much. I do the same thing. I can't count how many ideas that I've talked myself out of before I've even tried them :S I find it helps to write them down though...that way you might look over it in a few months time and think " hey, that's actually an ok idea. I'll give it another chance!" :)
Oo I love them! My fave is the red polka dots with tarten. You're very clever!!! x
Kissa-bull: I didn't know you embroidered! Awesome! Yes, it *is* very relaxing, isn't it? You have to show me your fairy!
Hair Clip: Thank you, I'm glad you like them. Embroidery is actually pretty easy to learn.. You should try it sometime :)
Ginny: Yeah, for the most part she does, haha
Asylum Dolly: Aww, thankies!! Yeah I knew you'd understand my overthinking dilemma. The curse of the creative person, right? I haven't tried that writing thing.. Sounds like a good plan! I'll have to try it. Yay! :)
Katie: Somehow I knew you'd like that one! The dots are actually cherries ;) I know its hard to tell from the pic.. Makes me happy to hear you like them, though! Thankies <3
I love this. It reminds me of some of the things I used to do in high school, and still wear proudly to this day. LOVE IT.
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