Thursday, March 12, 2009

REAL couturiers don't use the word "couture" in their company names.

I'm looking at you, Juicy.

I mean honestly.

Trying to put out terrycloth/cotton/polyester bullcrap at jacked up prices and calling it 'high fashion' should be illegal. Those clothes should be sold at wal mart.

I love those perfume ads with the pastel coloured doggies and the girls wearing giant bows as much as the next girly girl, but when it comes to your clothes?? I mean... GAH.

Americans are ignorant enough as it is. Especially when it comes to fashion. And throwing the word 'couture' at the unknowing masses so loosely is the equivalent of spitting on the meaning behind the word itself. A true couturier like Christian Lacroix should be the one spitting on YOU, JUICY!

Other offender: New York Couture... I forgive this company because it's such a young/unknown label. And I do actually admire their style. I own a couple of pieces myself. But still. They should really think about renaming the company... because quality wise, they're just as bad if not worse than Juicy.

I'm just saying.

p.s. I can't believe Juicy is still making tracksuits. STILL.

TRACKSUITS. NONE OF THEM UNDER $50. This makes me want to cry.



Anonymous said...

looks like something from the 70s. Juicy Couture is crap.

Ginny said...

horrible and a waste of money. It makes me think of 40 year old ladies trying to act 20 but failing.


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