Thursday, May 28, 2009

Find me never, never far gone. So get your leather leather leather on.

currently downloading/listening to: Recent Kill Hannah radio interview, Yeah Yeah Yeah's song "Zero", Nylon summer music playlist (lots of random stuffies I've never heard of so I'm excited).

I hadn't come across a good music video in a while until today. I saw the latest Yeah Yeah Yeah's video (how late am I on this?) for their song "Zero" and I couldn't tear my eyes away. It was adorable and fun and made me want to step into my television and dance on top of cars in Chinatown next to Karen O in that GORGEOUS studded leather jacket. I want that jacket very badly.

I tried to capture a good still of her from head to toe to show off the awesome turquoise vinyl dress and tights/leggings she's wearing but the best I could do was this:

Why is she so freaking cool?! And if you haven't seen the video yet, please do so. There's a cute part in which all three of them push each other around in shopping carts like little kids. So fun.

In other music news...

-I am still so elated about Gerard and Lindsey's new baby girl! (I made the mistake of thinking it was a boy at first, but then I was corrected... that NAME just threw me the hell off, though!) The latest in weird celeb names: "Hi my name is BANDIT." Haha. Whatever. It's kinda cool sounding when you get right down to it. Like a secret agent/superhero name. Rock it out, little lady, rock it out.

-I am very sad to report that it's officially official that Jonny Radtke will no longer play in Kill Hannah :( But he's moving on to different things and I know he's ganna rock it out no matter what he does because he has a tremendous amount of talent. I can't wait to see what he does. I wish him all the best and I will miss those gorgoeus blue eyes next time I see KH live!! I never got to meet him. But we'll see what happens. I still plan on getting him to model my clothes for me in the future... hear that, Radtke?!

I think he heard.


1 comment:

Baybay Mama said...

I love Karen O. I am going to check out the video now.


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