Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Farawell to Vans...

currently listening to: Kill Hannah - For Never and Ever, AFI - Sing the Sorrow, (note to self: why haven't you downloaded the new Placebo that came out this week? DUHHHH).

currently (about to watch): Bladerunner

Dear Vans,

I still remember when I first brought you home six years ago. I was about to start the tenth grade, ever convinced that I had finally found my "style" at that ripe age. Vans - the skater's choice of shoes. I never even stepped foot on a skateboard the entire time I owned you. Choosing fashion over function, (as everyone always does), I wore you to feel cool... and for six whole years I really, truly did. Within a matter of months, I took a bright purple sharpie to your white toe decoration and logo, for a touch of "DIY rebellion". It got me many compliments from other kids but frowns from my mother. Funny how the littlest change made all the difference.

You've been my first choice in footwear nearly every single day since then. You've always been so comfortable. I think I've worn you just about everywhere. My favourite pair of sneakers that I've ever owned. I never thought I'd see the day when I had to get rid of you, because I thought you'd last me forever. But today I could feel you physically hurting me, with each step I took. I realized you've fallen apart. Completely and utterly beyond repair. And if it's one thing I can't stand, it's PAINFUL SHOES.

So it is with a wistful sigh that I must FINALLY let you go. You did your job. For six. Entire. Years.

I'll miss you, Vans...

Hello New Nikes. I hadn't owned a pair of you since the fifth grade. (Middle school was all about Skechers, and high school and most of college was Vans, and sometimes Chuck Taylors... but Chucks aren't very comfortable).

Can you beat six years, Nike?? We'll just have to wait and see.

Hey... this guy's pair is cooler than mine. Hahaha.

The End.



Unknown said...

Dude! I remember that! When you colored them purple!! I'm wearing my same old Vans, still, today. I got them junior year of high school...I guess that would make them 6 years old too. They have giant holes in the bottoms, it's like wearing some goofy pairs of sandals almost.

Ginny said...

ha I use to live in vans and I never skateboarded. Screw painful shoes. Viva la sneakers!

crystal said...

Oh I like your new Nikes! Bladerunner is such a good movie.


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