Sunday, June 7, 2009

Like a bed of roses, there's a dozen reasons in this gun. I will sell my soul for something pure and true... Someone like you.

currently listening to: Garbage - "Number One Crush", My Chemical Romance - "Demolition Lovers", both on repeat.

I finally saw Twilight at my friend's house on Friday. Overall I found it kind of hilarious and my friend and I found ourselves coming up with our own dialogue throughout most of it. Do you have any idea how many amusing facial expressions are in that movie? It's just BEGGING to be mocked. But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it... just don't expect me to become a full fledged obsessive maniac over it. I enjoyed it's entertainment value that kept me from being bored. But that's it. I don't really care much for it other than that. I'm not fifteen anymore.

(But sometimes I wish I still were).


crystal said...

Oh yes, there were so many funny awkward moments in Twilight! I remember seeing it and the whole theater cracking up when Bella said "it's like diamonds." hahahaha

Ginny said...

Speaking of Number one Crush have you ever seen Hex? That song is the theme song for that show and one of the main characters is named Ella D and she kicks ass.

And yes the faces in Twilight crack me up. I was not expecting that and it was great.

Wow that was a really random comment.


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