Sunday, August 16, 2009

I walk alone. Every step I take, I WALK ALONE.

currently listening to: Tarja Turunen

What is it about Sunday nights that makes me want to listen to nothing but somber Finnish music?

I can't remember who I heard this from a few days ago, but someone told me that when you can't fall asleep at night, you should write down everything that's in your head at that moment, as if draining all of the noise, whether negative or positive, from your mind, so that you can finally rest a little easier. I've been meaning to try it, but I find myself becoming too lazy and lethargic to reach for pen and paper when I'm lying half frozen on my bed, with all the lights off in my room, (but all the lights left on inside my head).


I finally got around to watching the movie White Oleander in its entirety the other day. (I'd only seen part of it, then I read the novel, which I couldn't put down). Like most 'books turned movies' out there, this one was no different in it's whole 'being watered down and switched up to the point where it gets annoying' kind of way, but it honestly wasn't truly that bad.

I wanted to commend the costume designer/stylist (whose name I forgot), on her vision for Astrid in the last part of the movie:

In case you don't know, this look is pretty much the complete OPPOSITE to what she had started out as. It's pure old-school Gothic genius, at it's best. The ONLY thing, however, that I couldn't stand was the ridiculous tribal tattoo they put on her wrist. I mean whatthefuck was that all about? (And I use the word "tattoo" loosely there. Tribal 'tattoos' shouldn't even be considered tattoos!!)

But yes, I crave this wardrobe, like I crave Nancy's (Fairuza Balk's character) from The Craft.

One of these days I will give my closet a major overhaul for Autumn. It's Goth or Die. I mean, I've been kind of 'halfway there' for ages, but it's never quite "right". Trust me, I can't STAND not wearing black. I have been a true 'goth kid' at heart ever since I can remember.

But I'll also always have my heart set on retro/vintage/pin up girl AND militaristic style. (OH, and let's not forget Japanese Lolita style!!) If I can ever figure out a way to successfully combine the four 'looks', I think I could die happy. (<--- haha, goth humour).

And of course, I *could* be saying (and wearing) an entirely different thing tomorrow.

I'm thinking of adding "Professional Fashion Chameleon" to my resume. HA.


1 comment:

one little simitopian said...

Oh man, I've done that "write everything down" stuff before bed, but I can't say it helped a whole lot.... It was interesting to read over again later though!
OMG "Proffessional Fashion Chameleon" is me to a "T". I just can't stick to one style, as I get bored too easily, having the attention span of a flea with A.D.D. Oh my, how I love ANYTHING from Japan though! In my next life I will be a cute Japanese girl, yes I will!
Hmm, White Oleander...I've heard of that book, but I've not read it yet.You've got me interested now! I love to get lost in a good book. They never do get the movies right do they? Everything is sugar coated and homoginised, and the characters never look like the ones in your head :(

Keep up the posts! I'm sure people are reading. I'm sometimes too lazy to post comments on blogs, so there are likely to be plenty of others who are the same!
I'm making more of an effort these days though :)


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