Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm coming up on infrared. There is no running that can hide you... 'cause I can see in the dark.

currently listening to: Placebo - Meds, Lost Alone - random stuff on Youtube.

OHMYFREAKINGGOD. I swore I wouldn't do this anymore.

But believe me, the universe has been sending me enough punishments for procrastinating on my blogging. Someone call the ambulance. There's ganna be an accident...

But okay.

I've been hearing a ton about this British band called Lost Alone since like... two years ago. They seem to have a huge, scary following. All these kids and their MOMS keep going on and ON about how "amazing" they are. But I hadn't been motivated enough to even so much as research them until... tonight, actually. Haha. I meant to do so last week since I found out about them opening up for My Chemical Romance at two of their "secret" shows in Los Angeles. People are saying it's the "perfect way to introduce the U.S. to Lost Alone". Well, we'll see.

So after doing a search on the 'ol Youtube for their most popular songs, I have to say that music-wise, I'm not. Quite. Impressed. I don't understand what all the raves are about. According to their wiki page, (haha), "The band's style combines fast, heavy riffs with slower, melodic sections and strong vocal harmonies to create a sound that cannot be easily pigeonholed, it sits somewhere within the rock/alternative scene." Now this is just MY own grouchy opinion, but they sound pretty darn 'screamo/emo' and like the same-old-stuff-I've-heard-before to me. And it might be because I worked at a Hot Topic for three years where stuff like this would be blaring 24/7, (because no one wanted to listen to my Goth/Industrial stuff... wankers!), that I sorta can't stand these kind of vocals anymore. But, hey, to each their own, right?? They're not THAT bad, but they're just not MY kind of taste.

Before I heard their music, however, I was instantly drawn to the photos that came up during google searches, and it occurred to me that this might be a somewhat fashionable group of guys that I SHOULD be paying attention to, as I'm always on the search for stylish musicians to be inspired by when I design clothes. Or write blogs :)

exhibits 1 and 2: I tried to get a good screencap of the red and black shirt Steven (singer) wore during the "Unleash the Sands of All Time" music video but this is the best I could do. It was an interesting looking button down shirt with emblems on the sleeve that reminded me of athletic letter jackets from high school, in a way. I wanted to see more of it.

exhibit 3: I *think* this is the bass player, in the same "Unleash.." video. I hate the hair but I LOVE the choker and fitted leather jacket combo. I'd add some studded biker gloves and tuck the pants into classic knee high Docs... and pull the hair back or something. Then he'd be all 'couture rocker' looking. Don't you think??

exhibit 4: TOP HATS!!! Need I say more?! Supposedly this was for another one of their music videos, but I saw the video and didn't see the hats. I was utterly disappointed.

exhibit 5
: Found this on their website. Homeboy is TOTALLY wearing a Mickey Mouse sweater!!!!

So all in all, they seem to have some stylish potential, and even if I don't like their music very much, I still respect the fact that they at least TRY to look different. And wear Disney characters on their sweaters!!

In other news...

-I went kinda crazy at Best Buy the other day:

CORALINE is my new favourite movie EVER.

Oh and so is Labyrinth. Yes. *winks at Syd Vicious Lives*

1 comment:

crystal said...

haha yesss! ;)

I must see coraline, looks so good.


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