Tuesday, September 22, 2009

DANCE, all you pale motherfuckers.

currently listening to: Wake Up the Sleepers

It's only been three weeks but I'm already sick of school. At least, I *think* it's been three weeks...? I'm not even sure what day it is today.

Oh well. All I care about is that I'm currently previewing the only thing I'll be listening to the rest of 2009, before it's official 'release'.

I haven't talked about... well, much of ANYTHING lately. And I haven't shown anything I've made recently. So here you have it:

If Sgt. Pepper was a woman he'd wear this top. Paired with a black tutu.

But since he's not, I will. And I'm adding fishnets.

So there.

In other news, the 'high' I've been on the past couple of weeks has officially diminished. Dead. Disintegrated.I knew it eventually would, but I guess I just didn't want to believe it. Optimism is a waste of time.

I hate the world once again. Everything is as it should be. Or whatever.



one little simitopian said...

Awwww, i know that feeling only too well. I feel for you my friend! It's the Curse Of The Creative Person i swear. I hope you're feeling better soon missy. *hugs*
I remember at art school I was getting to the point where I just couldn't stand Art anymore, because as fun as it is to be creative, being "marked "on it just seems so stupid, and completely misses the point of why we create. we do it to EXPRESS something. Who the hell has the right to tell us that our menthods of self expression are right or wrong?! It also sucked being expected to be creative on cue. Anyone creative knows that it just don't work that way!
If it's any consolation, that top is cute as hell, and i know there are plenty where that came from, all bubbling away under the surface of your mind, just waiting for the next flicker of inspiration to set them free! And I hope that it comes sooner than later!

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

I know exactly what you're saying: and it's all true... but it's not really why I "hate the world", haha. I was referring to something kind of dumb. But ANYWAYS. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR KIND WORDS!!! You made me smile a huge smile... even though it hurt to do so! haha. But yeah, stupid "curse of the creative person" needs to die. Amen.


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