Sunday, September 13, 2009

Say it Once, Say it Twice, Take a chance and roll the dice.


I love how it's that time of year again... where everywhere starts to offer lots of Hallowe'en cuteness. I wish to buy everything.

Remind me to buy this next time I'm at the newsstand:

It looks EFFING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when I have a house of my own, I think I will have lawn decorations like this up year round:

OOH and the other day at Target, I couldn't resist buying these:


I think I will place them on my car's dashboard.

Why, yes, I *AM* still a ten year old at heart.

Sue me.



one little simitopian said...

Halloween My Little Pony?! I WANT!!!! I bet they won't be available anywhere here. Damn.
Halloween isn't as big here as it is in the states, so there isn't a HUGE amount of merchandise to be be found... but there are still plenty of fun halloween goodies in major craft stores, like "spotlight" (I don't know if you have it there?) for me to drool over :)
I do LOVE those lawn decorations! I would definitely have those in my garden :)
That magazine looks like fun too. Someday I will host a magnificent halloween party!

Ginny said...

Halloween is way better than Christmas. I want those My Little Ponies! I'll have to stop by the local Target.

My friend use to have Halloween parties in an old dentist office in her building. It was awesome. She has sinced moved though :(

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

one little simitopian: Spotlight?? o_O Never heard of it! But I bet they have lots of awesome halloween stuff, eh? The fabrics are always the best! OOH! And I expect an invitation to this future magnificent party of yours!!! :D

Ginny: Heck yes! Halloween is the best holiday! I hope you find the ponies!!

Unknown said...

Hehehe I've already been to the bookstore and been through that Martha Stewart mag cover to cover...I can't wait for Halloween!!!


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