"Antics" like this have been done before. It's nothing new or shocking. Obviously these Puritan-like people who can't stop talking about it because they're oh-so-in-disbelief have never seen My Chemical Romance in concert:
"The fallout from Adam Lambert's risque American Music Awards performance keeps coming with Good Morning America canceling the singer's live performance scheduled for Wednesday morning... Last night's broadcast was nothing short of tasteless and vulgar. Adam Lambert, the second place finisher in last season's American Idol competition, chose to treat American families to... demeaning behavior." - The Parent's Television Council
Ummm... seriously, people?
The bulk of MCR's fanbase are made up of young kids, whose parents often attend their shows with them. I've never once heard a parent complain about them.
It's called PUTTING ON A SHOW!!! Performers who are passionate about what they do are allowed to get 'caught up in the moment' and do whatever they want. The stage is their canvas. They're ARTISTS. Art allows for the ultimate freedom of expression, and if you try to censor or stifle it then it loses it's entire purpose and meaning.
Parents should be more concerned about their brats being brainwashed by fabricated Disney robots who spout out whatever a giant corporation tells them to say and act like, and still try to come off as 'wholesome' and 'happy'.
What I'm smelling here is a case of antiquated whiners with way too much time on their hands who need to grow the fuck UP. The only "controversial" thing here is the fact that Good Morning America would stoop so low as to actually CANCEL their own guest over nothing.
Was he HURTING anyone? No. What was he really trying to say? Probably nothing except "I love performing and I live life to the fullest".
Anyone out there who's a true Lambert follower and is (rightfully) pissed about not being able to see him on Good Morning America tomorrow morning, tune in to The Early Show on CBS. He'll be on there, instead.

I TOTALLY agree with you Ella! people are so fucking hypocrytical! Katie Perry can sing "I kissed a girl" and gyrate around being a faux lesbian, and it was ok when Britney and madonna pashed onstage......so wtf?! As far as I can see,the main problem here is that unlike 2 chicks getting it on, 2 guys kissing/doing anything remotely sexual together isn't a turn on for our mainstream hetero male homophobic society. So many guys I've met get off on seeing two women together, yet when it's 2 MEN, it's "disgusting" and "unnatural". This shits me so fucking much! Real lesbians do NOT get it on with other women to turn douchebag wankers on!!! Homophobic fuckers need to indeed GET A LIFE.
Go Adam!
P.s. On a lighter note, in reply to yr hairbow query: Of course I can! Just gotta get the supplies, and then I'll concoct something lovely :)
Exactly, Simi! I'm sure if it had been a Britney (or any other female) performance on that show, no one would have said anything. Haha, I'm not even a Lambert fan, but I just felt really sorry for him. And the reason Gerard and Frankie of MCR,(two HETERO males, might I add!), have kissed onstage on more than one occasion is to DISSIPATE the homophobia that exists out there... and like I said, no one has ever complained about THEM, so at least it seems to be working, eh?
OH, and yaay on the hairbow thing. There's no rush, whatsoever lady! Take your time and let me know. I might also want to be purchasing that "candy from a baby" brooch, so I should save my moneys!
i definitely feel like some parents would be upset with both girls and boys kissing or even a girl and a boy kissing in an extremely sexual way. i mean if there are little kids going to this then i would think the parents wouldn't want their kid to get the idea of that action portrayed on stage to be okay in any situation. if you're older, it's obvious that it's a show and you understand, but i mean if i was 11-13 i would get the impression that it's cool to do that.
i mean no one can really do anything about the ages that go and even if parents did have their opinions they wouldn't be voiced on the news or anything, it's way to amateur. so you wouldn't be able to really hear them.
we do grow up in a society that's really influenced by our stars and celebrities, so i can see the controversy of both sides, why it should be okay because it's an act of anti-homophobia and we really need that in our world and i can see the other side where it's influencing little girls.
so it's really a tough call, ya know?
but i do agree with you for the most part. homophobia is really horrible and it does need to end.
i meant it's influencing little girls AND boys.
CaseyHutchison: Yeah, I can see what you're saying. The main point I was trying to get across was that I think it was kind of rude and childish of a talk show to cancel their own guest. I mean, I'm sure he's not stupid and wouldn't do as "racy" of a performance on a FAMILY show. But whatever.
He'll survive, I'm sure ;)
But yes, I do understand your point.
yea. i also see what your saying and i do agree with you as well! i'm loving your fashion stuff as well!!!
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