Notes to Self - Holding your head high in the face of defeat: take ONE
Next time anyone holds any kind of a "t-shirt design" contest, remind yourself not to bother entering, even if the "prize" does end up being that your favourite rock star will wear said t-shirt at an upcoming show. If it's one thing you've learned over these last few years of unleashing your creativity through clothing is that you are, indeed, a CLOTHING designer... not a GRAPHIC designer. There's a huge difference.
Furthermore, please remind yourself that this isn't necessarily a "bad" thing, and it doesn't make you weak/lame/a loser/a failure/un-artistic/un-creative/talentless/insert-negative-whatever-here...
And don't feel bad if any attempt(s) you *have* made receive only ONE measly vote in said contest(s). It doesn't mean your idea sucked. It just means it was MISUNDERSTOOD. Once again, there's a huge difference!!!
Besides, "Fashion Designer" sounds a hell of a lot cooler than "Graphic Artist". Anyone can figure out how to "draw" something on a computer, but it takes true genius, talent, guts, and patience to sit down for days on end cutting up squares of fabric and stitching all the pieces together again to create something NEW... and FRESH... and SPECIAL... and not to mention THREE DIMENSIONAL - something to wear OVER that t-shirt! (Hahaha... kidding - I love a good, comfy band tee as much as the next fan girl, and I mean no offense to people who come up with genius things to put on a t-shirt. Like those "I'm so Gothic I'm Dead" and "I put the 'Fun' in 'Funeral'" t-shirts that I kinda loved when I was a teenager).
So move the hell on, already. That rock star (and all his fellow partners in rock and roll crime) will be coming to YOU for something to COMPLEMENT those t-shirts perfectly, soon enough. AND MAYBE TO COVER THEM UP COMPLETELY, TOO!!!!!
(kidding, again... )
Looks like it's back to the drawing board, er, I mean DESIGNING board.
I never wear t-shirts. I wear singlets. I don't find t-shirts comfortable or flattering on me. Slogan t's pretty much always make me cringe… then there is some rad t's I wish were made into singlets. That goth makes me LOL
I do get a laugh out of slogan T's :) But yes, I agree, there is a DEFINITE difference between graphic design and fashion design. I did a brief stint at a fashion design course(but dropped out!), and it was full of trendy little hipsters whose idea of "fashion design" was a T-shirt with a design on it. O.o Half of them had never even heard of Alexander McQueen!!! I'm gathering you have encountered such types :D
Katie: We actually don't use the word "singlet" in the U.S. Which is a shame, because it sounds so cool. Only in Australia and New Zealand have I heard (of) it!!
Asylum Dolly: I hate those kinds of people! They seem to be everywhere.
What word do you use.. Tanks? Tank top? HEHE
Katie: Pretty much, yeah. Makes no sense, does it?
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