Friday, January 22, 2010

For all you lonely boys... here's your President.

currently listening to: IAMX. Nothing but. All day long... random fact: It's "Mr. X"'s birthday today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Chris!!!

Get your Party Hat on!!

And your Party Boots!!

And your Party Mask!!

And DANCE, LOVE, DANCE!!!!!!!!!!

...Or just chill out in the bathtub, with your gorgeous self.

Whatever floats your boat ;)

Hope you have an amazing day, my fellow Aquarian Fashion Freak.

(God, I love this man).


Asylum Dolly said...

Luvverly photos!
Hmmm, call me presumptuous, but..are you by any chance a chris corner fan???
hehe. Hey, your birthday is pretty much the exact time of my dads b'day!!!

Joanne Faith said...

Love the bathtub pic, it's crazy cool.

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

starcakeastrology: hehe, thanks ;)

Asylum Dolly: Actually, I hate him. But only because he's prettier than me, haha. When's your dad's bday?!

Joanne Faith: Yeah, I think that's my fave, too.

Asylum Dolly said...

It's the 10th. Go aquarians! Actually, he is the only aquarian I know of that I have major arguments with! But that's probably just cos he's my dad, lol. Most aquarians i've met are awesome creative peeps- like you!


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