Yesterday I received a comment on an older post from a certain "Anonymous" who was wondering about cool rock star jackets and where to get them... namely the gorgeous black and red military style jacket that Matt Bellamy of Muse was wearing on the cover of Q magazine back in September, when he was my Stylish Rockstar of the Week, (week 6):

I wanted to try to help "Anonymous" out, so I did some research and I'm writing an entire post on just jackets!!
I *do* recall that I checked the photo credits in that magazine back in September, and I couldn't find anything about the fashion. (I always make sure to do so whenever I see something I like, no matter what magazine it is). It's really kind of irritating when magazines don't bother listing that kind of stuff. Because then you have people like "Anonymous" (hi by the way!), and ME for that matter, who are left wondering just where the hell people find these amazing clothes!! Phooey!!
So I researched and read a lot of other blogs... there's tons of people wondering about that jacket, it seems. Not one straight answer. But it's okay. I happen to breathe fashion for a living, (huh??), and I'm always hunting around for cool stuff. (I'm telling you, I'd be an amazing stylist). The good thing about military jackets is that they've been "in style" for quite some time now, so pretty much anywhere you look is going to have some kind of similar style.
But I narrowed down the ones that looked the MOST like Mr. Bellamy's, and I broke them down for you, "Anonymous", from highest to lowest priced and then some :)
The way I see it, you've got 4 options:
The coolest military jackets that I think I've seen come from the Balmain label:

But I know that probably nobody who reads this blog can afford anything like these, (I do remember "Anonymous" saying "i know it's probably made specially for him by some designer, but something similar would be good :))"so why am I even talking about them? Maybe just to make a point that all major trends start HUGE, then "trickle down" to the masses at far more affordable prices. Thank the Fashion Gods for that!
(Another thing I should mention, is that I'm not even sure whether my "Anonymous" friend is male or female, so I tried to find the most unisex type of jackets I could, even though these days you really don't even have to worry about whether a jacket is for women or men... You'll see what I mean in a second). is a shopping site that sells lots of smaller designer type stuff, and I found this jacket on there for $110:

I liked it because the white detail on the sleeves and front reminded me of the red detail on Matt's jacket.
The link to this one is here: click (they ship internationally!)
But since I sense that "Anonymous" is looking for something a bit more moderately priced, I looked on two of my more familiar sites/places to shop that have more affordable, mass produced stuff, Hot Topic and Forever21, so your second option is:
2) Bargain (sorta?):
Lip Service Steam Machine Jacket from - $95 (link: click)
(I happen to think that one is uber rad)...
TrippNYC Steampunk Soldier Jacket from - $54 (link: click )

Zipper Blazer from - $39 - (link: click)

Military Career Jacket from - $32.80 - (link: click)

Cadet Precision blazer from - $29.80 - (link: click)

Bellette Military Jacket from - $24.80 - (link: click)

(I included this one because I think it's FREAKING AWESOME and FREAKING CHEAP. Maybe I should buy it for myself...)
And, once again, both and ship internationally :)
A third option you might consider is
Just type in "military jacket" into the search box and you'll get a multitude of results. The only problems are they may not always be cheap, depending on where you live, some people might not ship to your country, and if it's a popular item, you have to bid like crazy and it kinda gets you all anxious and whatnot. Hehe.
I really like this one, currently for auction: click IT EXPIRES IN FOUR DAYS!!
And as a final option (or so), you can either find a cheap one like the ones I listed here, either in those stores, from those websites, (or even try vintage/secondhand/thrift stores!!), and CUSTOMIZE IT YOURSELF. (Trust me, it's a super fun thing to do).
Especially if you find one on the plainer side, like those ones. You can either use strips of another fabric in a contrasting color, or ribbon or hunt for awesome trim at your local fabric store and add it to the jacket's edges or sleeves for easy DIY details like on Matt's jacket. You don't even have to know how to sew. You can find a good fabric glue and go crazy!! DIY stuff looks especially awesome, and gets you even more "rock star" points, in my book ;)
For example, I customized this plain gray tshirt to look like a military jacket using just ribbon, fabric, and buttons:
You likey?
I've actually also made military jackets before, like this green one:
I made it for some dood... in some band called Kill Hannah, last year. (By the way, he claims that he gets his jackets from a place called Newport News. It's actually a site/catalog for older women, but he swears by it... this is what I mean when I say it honestly doesn't matter whether a jacket is "meant" for a male or a female!!).
Aspiring designer that I am, I should have just written an entire post about how you should hire me and not try to drive away my business by showing you all these links to OTHER makers.
But the truth is I'm still learning a ton.
I'd offer to make YOU a custom one, "Anonymous", but I can't really give you an up front price on it, because it would depend on what materials I use. And also, this guy was kinda easy to make something for because I kind of had an idea of his size since I had met him once before... and also, it would probably take me an eternity because I'm a perfectionist...
But if you honestly think you'd trust me, I'd be more than happy to help you out :) I need the practice, after all. And ONE OF THESE DAYS, I *will* have more easily accessible items for everyone. And I'll take over the world. Yes.
And if all else fails, I DO at least sell awesome military style medals that you can adorn whatever jacket you choose with. (Link to my Etsy shop is on the sidebar, to your right).
WOW. I *really* hope that helps you out. Certainly tired me out! Let me know what you think/what you decide, "Anonymous"!!!!!!!!!
Well "Anonymous" will be stoked with this post!
I'm drooling all over my keyboard looking at these gorgeous jackets.....I want that Lip Service Steam Machine jacket SO BAD. It's gorgeous! As is that red and navy number from Forever 21- I cannot believe how cheap it is too! Dayyum! Military jackets are tha shiz fo' sho'. Not sure why I'm speaking all "gangsta" now...I'm just excited :)
This post makes me wanna SEW!
thx :)
just thought you might want to know that i'm in fact a guy, and i'm not the kind of guy that usually wears woman clothes :P
butt still, thx for the help, i think i might find something i like :)
cheers :)
I love the shoudlers on the Balmain jackets!
P.S I replied to yr "never heard of Flight Of The Conchords" comment ;) It's right at the end of the comments though, because for some reason it wouldn't let me reply directly after yr comment!
hehe one good part about always being cold is that you are always cold and get to wear jackets way longer than the normal jacket season!! that black with white zips moto jacket is totally a rip off that red with black zips tripp one i had...but sold because it got too big
Asylum Dolly: I totally thought of you when I saw that steampunk jacket! I just knew it was so you! :)
Anonymous: haha, well I hope I helped somewhat. Good luck!
Katie: yeah they're pretty rad, huh?
katiecupcakes: yeah, jackets are the best!
the jacket Matt wore in that shoot is from Dolce & Gabana, fall line 09 :)so was Dom's (drums, for those who may not know :) ), but I'm not too sure about Chris' (bass) :)
Jean K: Dolce & Gabbana?! REALLY?! I should have known that, haha. Blah.
But, hey, thanks for the heads up!!!!!! :D
gabbana! i always forget one of the B's ;) hehe, but yeah, fell in love with them too, so when i came across the info, it just stuck :)
btw, loving the blog and your work :)
Jean K: Awwwwww shucks ;) Thank you for the kind words! And thanks again for sharing the info! Come back to visit anytime! :)
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