Monday, February 8, 2010

So as I sat behind the drumset, your heartbeat's what I tried to play.

currently listening to: Bright Eyes - "I will be Grateful for this Day"

THREE WORDS: Johnathan. Rhys. Meyers.

(On if he saw similarities between him and Elvis Presley) Yeah, of course. I know, I saw the things I have in common with Elvis and I latched onto them, like he was a poor boy from Mississippi, I was a poor boy from Cork. We didn't get on well at school, either of us. We weren't liked by the students particularly. We were very, very different in the way we dressed, in the way we looked. We both bought houses for our Mama out of our first big paycheck. We both daydreamed and then went and fought to make our dreams a reality.

-(taken from

Seems like he only does a movie every once in a blue moon, so I feel like I have to jump on them while I can. Therefore, he is the ONLY, (I repeat, ONLY), reason I wanna watch From Paris with Love.

Seems like kinda a stupid movie, aside from that. But, I mean, come on now.


I think he's my second fave actor, after the infamous Johnny Depp. (Coincidentally enough, one of Myers' idols).

What *IS* it with guys named John/Johnathan?!? It's like they're all inherently MEANT to be hot, and er, talented. Yes.

(wait - I take that back. Not ALL of them are great. That's ALL I'm ganna say).

But yeah, I totally have to find a copy of that Elvis movie he did.. (it was a made-for-tv deal, apparantly). And I never got to see August Rush, either!! MAN... how rude. But I *did* watch a lot of the Tudors back when I had free HBO. And Velvet Goldmine. Oh goodness, how did he not win an oscar for that one???

shutting up now...


kissa-bull said...

wow what a hottie
but yeah as soon as you mention johnny depp everything else dissappears hehe
have you seen public enemy yet? he looks extra gorgeous in it if that is at all possible

Ginny said...

Watch the Tudors! I think the first two seasons are free to watch on Netflix.

szela said...

you know, when i first watched him in Bend It Like Beckham, i was like, DAMN HE'S ONE HELLUVA HOTTIE! but when i watched the film again just last year, i thought, errrrrr he's not that hot and omg what a pansy he was! and now, looking at these photos here... i'm reverting back to what i originally thought - what a hottie. hahaha.

Asylum Dolly said...

I STILL haven't seen Velvet Goldmine. Must do! It takes me ages to get around to watching movies....
I always tend to get crushes on men with names starting with "J" too. WEIRD. maybe ther IS something to numerology, and the numbers of our names give us a certain vibe or something?. 'Tis a mysterious thing!


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