Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'll kiss that smile off your face... just say when.

Shame on me.

I'm supposed to be working on my homework, but I've been (happily) sidetracked by the new H.I.M. video, aka the video I wish to live in this week.

I highly recommend the new album, 'Screamworks' to anyone who loves beautiful, honest lyrics and great guitar playing.

I've always wished that I could have been blessed with any kind of musical talent - but great tunes aren't always complete without a great set of words to accompany them. Some people, like Ville Valo, seem to be born with a natural ability to write gorgeous lines that read more like a poem than a song. And English isn't even Valo's first language!! How's that for talent? ;)

Who are some of your favourite lyricists??
Past or current?
English-speaking or not?

Share share shaaaare.


watch the video for 'Scared to Death': here


Law1sfab said...

Thank you for your comment. I love your blog, it is just so visual. Plus you talk about some really cool thing's. It's fun to discover. xxx

Asylum Dolly said...

What a lovely post! You know I've never even listened to any of this guys music, but your description makes me want to hear it!

When it comes to lyrics, I'm a huge fan of Bjork. Actually i love her music full stop, but she has a unique way with words.English is her second language also, and I sometimes think that perhaps they see the language from a different perspective or something..? They use words in ways that solely english speakers might not have thought to...maybe?
Gosh i'd love to learn some other languages! I started learning spanish a while ago, but my "teacher" (friend) had to go back overseas :( then i kinda got out of practice.. anyway, i'm rambling!
I also quite like some of the Beatles lyrics when they became all trippy :)

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

Vintage and Cake: You're too sweet!! I'm glad you're enjoying my little niche of the 'net here. Don't be a stranger!!

Asylum Dolly: You know, that actually makes a lot of sense, in a way!! (the whole, foreign language people seeing English in a different perspective!) I bet that has something to do with it.

OMG you wanna learn spanish???! Um... I happen to be a native speaker!! I can teach you if you really want to learn!!

Bjork and the Beatles rule. And you should watch the H.I.M. video and let me know what you think. Their music ranges from romantic and soothing to rocking, but always with a sad, dark kind of feel. I'd be happy to send mp3s, if you're so inclined ;)

Asylum Dolly said...

Ah! When you told me your full name I thought, "wow, she must have spanish heritage!" COOL! I don't know why, but I've had a real fascination with the Spanish language for as long as i can remember...as a kid i really wanted to go to Spain and be a flamenco guitarist :D Any tips and pointers you could throw my way would be greatly appreciated, thankyou!!!! Obviously only when you have the time, or whenever you think of it, as i know you are a busy lady!

I will definitely watch the vid!

Diary of a Young Designer said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog dear! I'm adoring yours. And, I know what you mean; I'm the type of person that just writes lyrics and songs out of any experience that crosses my path and believe me it's lovely because it helps you remember gorgeous memories. =) And that vid you posted is amazing!



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