Saturday, April 24, 2010

wasted face that swallowed time, with armageddon crawling.

Fashion Blogging, how I've missed thee...!!

I know I'm all late on this but, I'm no less excited about the fact that Seth Aaron Henderson was crowned the king of Project Runway last week. This entire season was, honestly, pretty disappointing. (Well, for me, anyways.)

But Mr. Henderson's awesome style and amazing designs always managed to put a smile on my face. He's super talented and awesome. And, best of all, he never compromised or changed who he really is just to please Heidi Klum. No other designer was more deserving.

This is him. I want his outfit. Now.

He won me over with this adorable creation from the VERY FIRST CHALLENGE. Could have ended the show right then and there. But what do I know.

We both seem to share a love of black and white striped fabric.

Heidi Klum said she hated this violet gorgeousness.

(Did I forget to mention I really dislike Heidi Klum???)


Congratulations to Seth Aaron, and I cannot WAIT to see more of his work in the future.



Asylum Dolly said...

Oooh pretties!
I don't get pay TV (what we call cable in aussieland;)) so i've never actually seen the show! It looks interesting!
I love black and white stripes too- preferably vertical, as they remind me of Tim Burton, hehe.

I can't stand heidi Klum either....she's BORING! Blahhh. They should get people with STYLE and an appreciation for art to judge such things. It actually sux that art gets judged in the first place actually....but i guess it's a competition type show, so it's just the way it goes.

I want that brown checkered dress!!!!

Law1sfab said...

oh I love his stuff, I'm sorry but just because someone is a model does not mean they know fashion. I have met alot who just can't dress ...I think they should have someone who knows about clothing like a stylist or something. I love the balck dress with the pvc frills amazing .... Well have to see if its on you tube xxxx


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