Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Reposessions and Red Riding Hoods.

Well, I can't say that I've been much of a busy girl, as of late. I've been more of a... DISTRACTED girl. So distracted, in fact, that I can't even keep track of what the date is anymore. Sometimes life just feels like landing on you so hard that it takes you a little longer than usual to get back on your feet. And I tend to sort of lock myself up in my own little world of darkness when the going gets really rough, so yes, I've been keeping myself distracted on purpose. And I do apologize if I haven't been very "social" lately... (but then again, I never really am, am I?)

Anyways. I felt like giving an "inspirational creativity" update to further distract myself. Lately, I've been obsessed with the movie Repo! The Genetic Opera. It's the most visually gorgeous, sci-fi Gothic Rock Opera ever made. And the music is beyond auditory candy. It stars the legendary Ogre of Skinny Puppy, Sarah Brightman as my favourite character, Blind Mag, as well as Alexa Vega, Anthony Stewart Head, and well... the only person I DISlike: Paris Hilton. Umm. Yeah. No further comment on that. This movie was recently RIPPED OFF by some Hollywood studio and remade under the title Repo Men, starring Jude Law. Trust me, there is NO comparison to the original!!

A couple of my friends thought it would be a fun idea for me to dress up as Blind Mag and take photos, so I did. (can you find me in the collage, above?)

And also, all this past semester I had been working on making a Lolita version of a Little Red Riding Hood costume that I designed, (the photo in the middle). I finally finished it and took some photos. If you'd like to see more, become a fan of my Anarchic Designs page on Facebook. It was tons of fun making it. (Even the stressful moments were fun!). I owe a million thanks to my awesome professors and friends for the motivation and help.

And last but not least, watch the trailer for Repo! here:

I'll be back soon, I hope ;)
Feel free to tell me what you think of my costume and/or my cosplaying. Or tell me about what's been going on in YOUR life lately. Hope it's good news, at least :)



Asylum Dolly said...

Hooray! I'm so glad you finally posted you amazing handiwork!!!! That is the coolest Red Riding Hood outfit i have EVER seen- SERIOUSLY. I want it to be miiiiiiine!
I love how the skirt puffs out like a flower- a Burtonesque flower. And the hood is so pretty. Red is the best.
AND as you already know, i ADORE that "Blind mag" pic of you! More i say!
I hope you're feeling all creative again ♥!

P.s. I need to watch Repo as soon as humanly possible!

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

AWWWWW... you make me feel so good inside!! ;) And I'm thrilled that you even went so far as to call my design "Burtonesque". That made my life. Especially since I totally WAS going for that kind of look!! Slowly, but surely, I AM feeling more and more creative each day. Hooray!!

p.s. YES YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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