Friday, June 4, 2010

Three cheers for Youtube stalking!!!!!!

Who doesn't love finding random videos while searching for the popular stuff on Youtube??? Today I stumbled across some really old performances of Adam (G)LAMbert from way before he was even thinking of American Idol, and singing in Hebrew, no less!!! I'm not even Jewish, and I totally felt enlightened with this!!!!

Check it out for yourself, if you're bored enough ;)

A live performance from Yitzhak Rabin's (the late prime minister of Israel) "Celebration of Life" concert 2005

There was also a video from a telethon he performed on in 2004. Right after he finished singing, the host lady said she wanted to hire him to sing at her son's Bar Mitzvah. HA!!!!


Law1sfab said...

OMG you have to check out Community Channel ...its this girl called Nat... she is sooo funny!!! I could spend my whole life on you tube Great!!! Post.

Have a fab weekend hunni xxxx

Asylum Dolly said...

I love Youtube! There are so many weird and wonderful things there.
This particular video is a trip! Who'd of thunk it? Even thoughhe's more on the pop side of things, i think he is a VERY talented young thing, and i admire him for just being himself, and not trying to be anybody else.He deserves success methinks. I also like that he he is really open about the fact that he's gay. If i were a gay boy I'd do him fo' sho'. :)

crystal said...

whoa, crazy find!

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

Vintage and Cake: Haha, ok. I'll be sure to check it out! Yeah, youtube is the best! Thanks :D <3

Asylum Dolly: Hahaha, took the words right outta my mouth!! He IS super talented isn't he?!

syd vicious: I know! I can't stop watching ;)


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