Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Goth, We Trust.


I'm still surprised that FIT decided to do something like this. I've noticed over the years now, that most of the big, otherwise 'normal' designers always, always, ALWAYS put out Goth-inspired collections for Fall. This year was no different.

This exhibit looks and sounds... Heavenly!!!! (To ME, anyways!) Man, what I'd give to live at this exhibit. I'd have a different fabulous outfit to wear every single day... and be shaded from the horrid sun, so I can retain my paleness. YAAAAAY!!!

WOW. KAMBRIEL IS MENTIONED ON THE SITE!!!!!!! PLASTIK WRAP, too!!!!!! Does that mean they have pieces on display too?? That is just amazing to me. It makes me so happy to see a school as prestigious as FIT honoring underground, alternative designers. There's nice people left in the world after all!

Ahhhh... they really did a good job with this. They even did extensive research on the history of Goth, and feature all sorts of macabre things!! AMAZING!! True designers, (i.e. ARTISTS) are never afraid to delve into the unknown, the darkness.. never flinch twice at the thought of taking risks.

The general public, however, is a different story. I can't help but remember that a lot of people out there seem to just 'adore' something when it's 'in style' or when it's 'on display' such as this exhibition... and then just go back to talking mess and hating on 24/7 Gothic things as soon as the initial fascination is over. Take the black lipstick trend, for example. This Fall I noticed a lot of otherwise 'hipster'/non-Goth chicas suddenly donning dark pouts 'cause a lot of designers featured the look in their shows. See, GOTHIC chicas have been wearing black lipstick all along! For AGES! And they've always been hated on and made fun of by the nonGoth girls! Like me, for example! When I worked at Hot Topic, there were days when I would put on black lipstick, and I couldn't even count how many dirty looks I got by the non-goth girls those days. (Like, what the hell, dood? I don't walk by YOU and gawk at your PINK lipstick! why you gatta be hatin' on MY BLACK LIPSTICK?!?!) But what's this?? You see a famous model wearing black lipstick and suddenly you feel like sporting it too?? It's like that episode of Spongebob Squarepants, when Spongebob found that wig that he liked and wore all day, and was ridiculed for it by everyone... but then when they saw that a famous musician was wearing the same wig, suddenly it was 'the cool thing' and EVERYONE wore the damn wig. Poor Spongebob. And poor Goth people.

Which reminds me... I think I wanna dye my hair black again :)

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