Back in 10th grade I was obsessed with a little band called Avenged Sevenfold. (Eww yeah I know. Shut up. At least I admit it). There's never been anything too terribly special about the way they dress, (i.e. head to toe black, sleeveless metallica and guns & roses tshirts showing off the tattoo sleeves.. meh). So after years of being so used to Zacky Vengeance looking something like this:
I completely never received the memo that he now dresses like a proper gentleman:
(i.e. BOW TIES, PEOPLE!!!!)
I mean... HOLY CRAP. That's pretty courageous of a dood like him, with a fanbase like he has, to dress like this. I may not be into his band's music anymore, (at least not the new stuff), but I give him a standing ovation for having the guts to sport tuxedo-wear on stage. Imagine if all his 12 year old admirers started dressing like this, instead of the old, grungy/non creative way. Just IMAGINE how happy their mothers would be. I commend ANY dood who puts a good effort into looking NICE, even if it's only once in a while.
Could it be possible that Zachary might be channeling the ever amazing Japanese Fashion God that is Mana???
Hmmm... maybe that's too far fetched a concept.
a7x (and most men out there) still have a long way to go, but all you hardcore A7Xers out there better e-mail me THE VERY SECOND that Zacky Vengeance starts wearing lace gloves. Because then I will truly know that there's still hope for the stubborn, plain boys of this world. (There's more to clothes than just t-shirts and jeans, yknow!!!)
I love people who can own up to bands that they used to like and not be 'oh so cool about it' i really like the way the guy dresses now so much more than the other picture
Hey. Interesting post. I also like how you spell dude lol.
Anyway, you left a comment on my blog and well..I wasn't sure what proper etiquette dictates in something like So here I am haha.
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