Long story short: I was uber jealous.
I think, however, that the ponies have undergone a bit of a makeover, but not quite as radical a makeover as some of my other favourite childhood cartoons: Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears. I don't understand why anyone feels that these adorable creatures would even NEED makeovers, but they don't bring the same joy that they once used to.
Strawberry Shortcake, THEN:
(Note the cute little outfit, rivaling the adorable Lolita dresses worn by the trendy Japanese girls of today. And if I remember correctly, she used to live in a magical land with giant fruit).

Strawberry Shortcake NOW:
(She looks like a normal, REAL LIFE preteen girl. How boring.)

But perhaps the saddest of all is this one:
Care Bears, THEN:
(cute, precious, utterly huggable).

Care Bears, NOW: (Note the radical weight loss. And suddenly they're acting like little tweenybopper freaks, too?? What is going on in the world?!)

This depresses me to no end.
* * *
In other news, my new favourite pasttimes are constructing corsets and military jackets. And pretty soon, I'm embarking on a massive Lolita clothing and accessories-constructing mission. (YAY). If I could just finish some of these things quickly enough and sell them, I might be able to pay for my next semester's tuition. Blah.
they made them so bland and un-original.
I used to love carebears so much. I loved the care bear movie from the 80's. I don't know why they made the new carebears heroine shiek?
notice the rainbow is gone? is this political? Don't want those bears to celebrate diversity! Damn republicans.
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