Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I was alone, falling free, trying my best not to forget what happened to us, what happened to me, what happened as I let it slip.

I love My Little Pony. When I was like... I think 5 years old, I used to have My Little Pony coloring books. They were my favourite things in the world. But as the years went by, I either lost those books, or accidentally threw them away during the process of moving, or maybe they disintegrated. Who knows. I've never been able to find another one that has been quite the same. (Or, clearly, I haven't looked hard enough). Some of my family from out of town came to visit recently, and after a short trip to a neighborhood Walgreens, two of my young adorable cousins came back with a My Little Pony coloring book.

Long story short: I was uber jealous.

I think, however, that the ponies have undergone a bit of a makeover, but not quite as radical a makeover as some of my other favourite childhood cartoons: Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears. I don't understand why anyone feels that these adorable creatures would even NEED makeovers, but they don't bring the same joy that they once used to.


Strawberry Shortcake, THEN:
(Note the cute little outfit, rivaling the adorable Lolita dresses worn by the trendy Japanese girls of today. And if I remember correctly, she used to live in a magical land with giant fruit).

Strawberry Shortcake NOW:
(She looks like a normal, REAL LIFE preteen girl. How boring.)

But perhaps the saddest of all is this one:

Care Bears, THEN:

(cute, precious, utterly huggable).

Care Bears, NOW: (Note the radical weight loss. And suddenly they're acting like little tweenybopper freaks, too?? What is going on in the world?!)

This depresses me to no end.

* * *

In other news, my new favourite pasttimes are constructing corsets and military jackets. And pretty soon, I'm embarking on a massive Lolita clothing and accessories-constructing mission. (YAY). If I could just finish some of these things quickly enough and sell them, I might be able to pay for my next semester's tuition. Blah.


Anonymous said...

they made them so bland and un-original.

Baybay Mama said...

I used to love carebears so much. I loved the care bear movie from the 80's. I don't know why they made the new carebears heroine shiek?

Anonymous said...

notice the rainbow is gone? is this political? Don't want those bears to celebrate diversity! Damn republicans.


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