Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gaby Goes to Fashion School.

This was going to be my Sunday Picture Blog post: Theme this time around was handheld fans. And not the battery powered kind, folks. Obviously.

I want a pretty fan so badly :(

And since it IS Tuesday, I will go ahead and write something just for the hell of it. I saw a guy in the school parking lot today smoking a cigar. Not a cigarette... a CIGAR. It was 1pm. Like.. wtf. Then I walked into my classroom to find somebody was already sitting in my seat. That ticked me off. I then had to take some other girl's seat and I'm sure she was ticked off when she walked in too. Gahhhh... messing with my mojo, yo. (What the hell does that even mean?)

I have a midterm on Thursday that I'm going to fail. I have to go to a 'team meeting' at my job that starts at SIX A.M. WHO HOLDS MEETINGS AT SIX EFFING A.M. IN THE MORNING?!?! And to top it all off, I only get to come back home at 8a.m. for a few more hours before I have to be at work again for eight whole hours. FUN. I love my job. But yeah, that pretty much means I won't be able to study because I will be dog tired.

So why am I not studying right NOW, you ask?? Instead of sitting at my computer writing a blog? Well.. because studying is no fun!!

I had a huge urge to draw after school today, so I've been sitting on the couch, (ignoring the television, for once), with my sketchbook and I drew a cute little cartoony lolita type girl. It looks really good for something that was just done in one sitting. Quite proud of myself. Can't show it off right now, though, because I don't have a scanner and I also can't take a picture because my camera battery is currently out of juice and I'm too lazy to charge it. Ah well.
I love drawing.

Bands I'm currently obsessed with: Dresden Dolls and The Horrorpops. Good, fashionably fun moosics.

p.s. The very first of the fan pictures up top is of Brian Viglione, i.e. Dresden Dolls drummer sans the mime makeup. Ain't he a doll?? And the title for this post was a spin on one of their songs, "Mandy Goes to Med School".

The Dresden Dolls Pictures, Images and Photos
HORRORPOPS Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comment:

Baybay Mama said...

I love fans. I loved it when Karl Lagerfels used to have a fan all the time!
Marie Antoinette is such a great movie. I should really rent it or buy it.


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