Friday, April 24, 2009

They say this is the City of Angels... all I see is dead wings.

I could easily spend an entire paycheck on magazines every month. When you really think about it, they do seem like worthy investments, seeing as how I read them cover to cover at least ten times a day until the next issue... and even then I'll go back to old issues to reread/relook, sometimes finding things I had previously missed. Or sometimes I rip out entire pages that have inspired me in some way or form and file them away somewhere, or post them on my wall to look at again and again forevermore.

But even so, I'm trying not to spend so much money on them anymore. I have to be picky. I used to buy certain magazines religiously, regardless of that issue's content or cover star, simply because I love the magazine itself. But I've since realized that I shouldn't buy it unless it's an issue I'll definetely look at over and over again from here to whenever.

That being said, I've never purchased an issue of Inked magazine. I've only flipped through the publication at Borders or wherever. It's never really held my attention for very long. But I was drawn to this cover yesterday and had to hunt down a picture of it online to write about: it's Brody Dalle of The Distillers and Spinnerette. I barely even recognized her. But I'm loving her new, softer look. The makeup has been toned down severely and her clothes seem much more sophisticated nowadays. I think it really suits her... nowhere is it written as a rule that tough as nails punk rock chicks can't be beautiful.

Keep it up, lady.


crystal said...

Wow that is such a badass picture!

Anonymous said...

Dude her voice is she smoked every cigarette in the world. Maybe if I scream all day everyday I can sound like Brody? Bahahaha


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