Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fashion Police... arrest this girl.

Whoever thought that one could make a living cleaning out people's closets?? That's what these two (above) do. And they do it well. I just finished trying to purge my closet (and life) of all the god-awful, unflattering crap I haven't worn in ages that just simply takes up valuable space in my closet - which by the way is only as wide as the door... I need all the room I can get!! I managed to get enough out to where I can move things around more easily, but I still have a long way to go. I don't feel I accomplished much of anything though. Woe is me.

On the plus side, however, I found a black lacy tutu I had misplaced and a couple of old Thursday and Cradle of Filth cd's that I had lost some time ago. Uploading them to the ipod as I type.

Speaking of music and cd's...

I miss the days when I would journey to Best Buy to get a newly released album on the day of it's release. Yes, I own an ipod, but I still buy albums. I'll always enjoy cd's, and the album artwork, with lyrics and photos and all that fun stuff. I feel like itunes and simply downloading everything takes away a lot of the love for music. Granted, I do enjoy itunes and downloading when it's an album or a band that I can't bring myself to commit fully to, and so I'll download a couple songs just to test the waters... but when it's my favourite bands of all time?? Of course I still religiously buy their albums the day they come out. But Best Buy didn't have the new IAMX album that came out today. And when I went to check the "I" section, there were none of the old IAMX albums to be found. I guess it's because IAMX is still technically considered an import, and the recent U.S. releases of the older albums were put out on Metropolis records and were only available at Hot Topic. But then I went to Hot Topic, and the girl told me that the only new album they got in that day was Eminem... I mean come on. Eminem?!?! That loser is still around? UGH.

Thank you world.

I have a lot more cleaning/purging/reorganizing/redecorating of my room and closet to do. BLAH.

Not looking forward to it, but at the same time I kind of AM.


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