Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In love with a satellite.

currently listening to: Blaqk Audio - Cex Cells

So it seems that eye patches are kind of a big thing right now:

top to bottom:
-Atrophy/Nelli Scarlet (The Scarlets)
-Kat Dennings
-Cristina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil)
-ME (hahaha)

So yeah, I wanted to see what I would look like with one, so I made one out of some old salvaged fabric I had with metallic rainbow stars. Can't see the stars very well, but whatevs.

It's okay, I know it sucks. Haha.

I just got back from Borders and I swear I wish I could live in that place. I'm craving some real good books to read but I haven't been able to find anything since finishing White Oleander,(which by the way, was SUCH a great novel that I want to read it again but I had to return it to the library, haha). I mean, some books seemed promising, but I'm just not willing to fork over $20 (or more) for something that I'm not 100% certain that I'll even LIKE. I'm looking for something that's gripping and non predictable and NOT lame. But ULTRA LAME is all that seems to line the shelves these days. Ever since the whole Twilight craze, all that I keep getting assaulted with are the so called "next vampire romance thriller for fans of Twilight". Boo-fucking-YAWN. I'm OVER it. I wasn't even thrilled to find that my (former) favourite author, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, has finally published a new work called The Persistence of Memory. I stared at it on the shelf for the longest time, and as much as I wanted to get into it, I just wasn't intrigued.

I remember when telling people that your favourite kinds of novels are vampire novels would get you weird stares and confused reactions. Now it just gets you a roll of eyes and a "yeah you and every other girl in this room" kind of reaction.

I also noticed that Borders has a growing comics section. (And I don't mean Japanese mangas, I mean REAL comics). They had these insane boxed volumes of the entire Sandman collection by Neil Gaiman that cost $100 each. I've never actually read any of those books but I've always wanted to! And I almost bought The Crow graphic novel/booklet that I read in high school, but I was being cheap, haha.

There were also other books/volumes/series that intrigued me but seeing as how I'm NO expert on these kinds of things, I wasn't sure what would be good. One of these days I need to just go into Borders early on and just sit and read a little of each book, just to see if it's worth buying.

Lately, I've been wanting to write, write, WRITE. I've been working on ideas for years for novels of my own (graphic novels/comics included!!) that I think would be good but I just need to be able to sit and let it all come out.

So I guess since I can't find a good book to read at the moment, maybe I should just write one myself... Ella Anarchy: Pirate, Fashion Designer, Photographer (working on it), Stylist, somewhat-Artist, Author???



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aye, how is the photography going? develop any shots yet?


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