Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We're Dead in this Ghost Town.

currently listening to: Shiny Toy Guns

It's the one week mark since my last (and ironically, very FIRST, haha), "I Spy" post, and I've been having a really hard time finding someone else to blab about for this week. I spent a good fifteen or so minutes poring over all the latest music magazines at the newsstand and couldn't find a single thing that struck a chord deep down in my little black lace, sequined, and studded fashion heart. I mean seriously, folks. I'm quite disappointed. So from fear that I won't find someone else in time, I'll go ahead and talk about Mr. Michael Martin: aka Shiny Toy Guns drumming extraordinaire, whom I spied just a while ago during a televised concert.


DirecTV satellite customers are treated to cool concert series performances every month on channel 101, and this month was the premiere of the Shiny Toy Guns. It was actually my first time seeing and hearing them perform live, and while the CLOTHES may not have been spectacular, one thing about Shinys that never fails is their drummer's awesome makeup.

Yes, makeup. Those that don't wear it play it safe, but those that do decide to slather some on are taking a huge risk. Makeup is one of those things that in all honesty should be treated like an accessory - which we learned last week - either makes or breaks your entire look. Since this televised performance barely premiered, I don't have any stills to show the slightly different take he did on his usual 'eye triangle', but here's some photos of past instances. I love how he changes the colour every now and again.

I'm pretty sure he got the idea for this look from Mr. Bowie:

So did Homer Simpson.

And, for the record, LAST week's "Stylish Rockstar of the Week" used to be known for his awesome makeup as well, back when Aiden first started out. This makeup further emphasizes the fact that he's a little sinister graveyard fiend:


In other news, (as if you weren't bored enough already), my fabulous blogger friend from the magical land of SIMITOPIA tagged all her readers with a cool questionnaire thingy. I think I've done one before, but I'm always all for them. They're fun. And besides, she threatened to sneak into my house and do horrible things with my toothbrush if I didn't answer these, so LET THE QUESTIONING BEGIN:

What is your current obsession?
aw man, why does everyone always ask this? I have way too many (probably) unhealthy obsessions to even list them all. But I guess I can exemplify some of my current ones with this photo:

1. Kill Hannah = favourite band I'm obsessed with.
2. NYC SPEED and STROBE LIGHTS = NEW tracks of theirs I'm currently obsessed with.
3. Picture = album art for digital single release I'm anxiously awaiting, and that I'm - you guessed it - currently obsessing about.
4. Girl's outfit in picture = OLD SCHOOL MILITARISTIC FASHION that, what's that? I'M CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH!!! (oh yeah and note the MAKEUP!).

What is your horoscope and do you relate?
I am an Aquarius. According to a google search about the characteristics that come with it, I should be...

1.Friendly and humanitarian - for the most part, I guess I am?
2.Honest and loyal - Only to those who are loyal and honest to me, of course.
3.Original and inventive - I like to think I am! I am a fashion designer, of course!
4. Independent and intellectual - YES. I can be quite the nerd when I want to be. I love people who can correctly and effortlessly use big words. I also love history. And the history channel. Yes.
5.Intractable and contrary - Uhhhh...
6. Perverse and unpredictable - I *DO* hate following rules...
7. Unemotional and detached - Unemotional? Quite the opposite, actually. But it could be that I often don't SHOW my true emotions... quite good at hiding them. And become detached in the process. So maybe.

What are you wearing today?
Earlier I was wearing a pink polka dot pin up girl style top, gray jeans, nikes, and flower clip in my hair.

What is the last thing you bought?
Photography class supplies, food, binders and notebooks. Exciting, I know.

What do you think about the person who tagged you?
She's so effing cool.

What’s for dinner?
Something unhealthy, as usual.

What’s your favourite decade, fashion wise?
Aw crap. CHANGES ALL THE TIME. I love certain things about each one. Don't get me started.

What are your must-haves for summer?
AIR CONDITIONING. Darkness. Rain. Cold water. Sleep. Sunscreen. Sleep. AIR CONDITIONING.

What would you love to be able to afford?
The entire fucking world.

What is your dream job?
If you don't know that by now, you don't know me at all.

What is your favourite magazine?
I like Teen Vogue every now and again. Gothic Beauty never fails to inspire me.

Describe your personal style:
changes according to whatever I happen to be into at said moment but I always try to keep it UNIQUE/different/original/creative/DARK.

Which Beatle is your favourite?
oooh... I don't know. I wanna say John Lennon because people said he was a "dreamer". (But he wasn't the only one).

What are you proud of?
The fact that I haven't given up on life!!! (at least, not entirely) woo!!!



one little simitopian said...

Oooh I do like a man in makeup! HOT. Hmmm he's a cutie. I'm so behind the times with bands, so I've never actually heard any of their music before... *slinks away quietly into the night* I should give them a listen perhaps?

I love the homer simpson pic :D . Yep, Bowie had style! I likes him >.<

Oh I am right there with the "things I need for summer"!!! Rain, darkness, AIR CONDITIONER.
And "Gothic Beauty" is a gorgeous mag. I haven't bought it for a while...maybe i should- it's always full of inspiration!
Awwww thanx for calling me cool >.< I'm a huge dag actually, but me loves a nice compliment all the same :)

Your toothbrush can relax now. <3

Unknown said...

Hehe in the first photo, the makeup looks like it could be the shadow of his hairstyle. It's kinda cool.


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