Sunday, August 30, 2009

> Insert Cool Song Lyric-Title Here <

currently listening to: the voices in my head. (and they're driving me mad!!)

Still two hours of "lazy" Sunday-ness left, so here's my random post of the (Sun)day.

Time Capsule:
who remembers Chris Corner with a blondish shag, playing around and trying on lots of fabulous clothes in this gigantic closet in the Sneaker Pimps video for "Sick"??

A man after my own heart, he is. When I have my own boutique/showroom, I hope to one day find him there, frolicking around through all the racks of fabulous creations made by me, telling me how much he adores them and that he'll take one of everything.

Yes, darling. Anything for you.

Fast forward to the darker hair... still in Sneaker Pimps, but just as he was becoming "X"...

Coco Chanel headband?? Yes please.

In other news: School started up again last week so I apologize for the lack of posting. Hopefully things will calm down a little more this week, and even if they don't I shall find a way to blog more!! And share all of my school (as well as other, beyond epic) projects with you!!


1 comment:

one little simitopian said...

I wanna see your projects! methinks you should start posting pics of all the stuff you sew! Don't be shy, be a super show-off! Me want to seeeeeeeeee! I'm very nosey and creepy you see :)


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