Thursday, February 4, 2010

Da-da-da-da-DANCE for me.

currently listening to: Innerpartysytem. Still.

Cast of the Vampire Diaries made the cover of the latest issue of NYLON... that means it's officially a "cool" show, right? HA.

It really IS a pretty good show, though. Anyone who's sick of Twilight, (Lord knows I am), and used to be into Buffy the Vampire Slayer back in the day,(before it got lame and crappy), would enjoy this show. That's what I think, anyways. It's NOTHING like Twilight. It's full of exciting twists and turns and Damon Salvatore (better known as Ian Somerhalder) is easy on the eyes and makes me laugh out loud. (He also happens to have the best dance moves ever):

Still not convinced? How about you watch an episode of Jersey Shore first, then an episode of Vampire Diaries... which one makes you wanna gouge your eyes and ears out LESS???? *THIS* one, you say??

MHMM.. That's what I thought.



Asylum Dolly said...

I don't watch the show, but yes, that guy IS indeed rather nice to look at ;) I likes his jacket in that last pic! Men look so good in jackets like that...*drools*

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

Asylum Dolly: I knowww.. it's a nice jacket. I want it for meeself. HA.


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