Friday, July 2, 2010

There's no fear inside.

By now everyone knows that I'm quite possibly, more than maybe just a little bit TOO obsessed/addicted/in love with music, and the people that create it. To quote my musical hero*, "Music can have an incredible impact on peoples lives. In times of crisis... when others would turn to prayer, I’d put my headphones on."

With that said, however, I know that everyone has their own tastes and influences. And it's only natural. (To each their own, right?) I have to admit that I'm not very familiar with the music of the band Madina Lake, but after doing some research on them this week, I've realized just how adored they are by their countless loyal fans.

I know a thing or two about what it means to be a FAN, and about coming to think of my favorite artists as something like close friends and family. I think it's because by wearing not only their hearts, but their souls, on their sleeves, they are able to give dreamers something to hold onto and to believe in.

So when I heard the news this week that the bass player of this band, Madina Lake, was brutally attacked and left for dead by a heartless fiend on a street in Chicago, I was overcome with sadness. I may not be a Madina Lake fan, but my heart goes out to every single one of those faithful kids that has ever referred to this guy as their "hero". I don't care who you are. NOBODY deserves something like that.

Lord knows I would be devastated if anything like this ever happened to one of my heroes. I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

Matt Leone was beaten so badly that he had to have one third of his skull removed... but the latest news sounds promising. He has been drifting in and out of consciousness and is able to talk and recognizes his family.

So I hope that he keeps improving and goes right back to making music very, very soon.


*Mat Devine of Kill Hannah, in case anyone was wondering ;)


Anonymous said...

that's horrible!! the poor guy! I've never actually heard of these guys but i hope he get's better soon!!

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

kimmy: same here :/

Asylum Dolly said...

:O That is fucked up! I too have never heard of them, but that is a horrific thing to happen. I can't believe the shit that human beings will do to each other. It really saddens me. Reading the news of a morning is horrible. I just can't fathom some of the things that people are capable of :(
I hope he recovers swiftly, and completely, and that the asshole that did it meets justice.


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