Friday, February 18, 2011

with the best of intentions, you tried to give an ocean direction.

Had such a good day today.  After having lunch with my "twin" brother, we walked over to the bookstore and sat on the floor in the middle of the fantasy/mythology aisle discussing Tolkien, Elves, Faeries, and the Black Forest of Germany ;)

 There are *countless* books out there that I wish I could lose myself inside of... I used to be such an avid reader, but I let that fall by the wayside some time ago. As soon as I can say I'm completely done with my current projects, I want to get into reading again.

In other news.. how awesome are these masks?!?!?!?!?!  

     Wouldn't it be awesome if we all walked around wearing things like these the whole time??  A different one every day, maybe?


1 comment:

crystal said...

Hey, I'd totally wear 'em. They remind me of the bubble scene in Labyrinth! :)


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