Sunday, September 6, 2009

You know how hard it can be to keep believing in me.

currently listening to: Emilie Autumn

lazy bloody sunday

I'm your Opheliac.

I've been so disillusioned.

I know you'd take me back,

but still I feign confusion.

I couldn't be your friend.

My world was too unstable.

You might have seen the end.

But you were never able to keep me breathing.



one little simitopian said...

I could look at Emilie Autumn all day! She has the most gorgeous style! I love her hair and her makeup, and the fact that she wears lots of red and pink, and...i could go on, but I'll sound creepy! I wish I had her figure so I could pull of similar types of outfits! Damn skinny chicks!

crystal said...

Emilie Autumn has a really cool style.

violetnova87 said...

Oh how I adore Emilie Autumn.. she's so beautiful and talented. Had I a soul to sell, I would give it to have her.

Gaby, held on by wires. said...

one little simitopian: I KNOW. I wish I looked just like her. She's playing a show in my town next week but I won't be able to go!!


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