Friday, November 5, 2010

the aftermath is secondary: part one.

 If I stop to think about what my life was like before I found My Chemical Romance, I don't seem to remember much. Seriously. It all seemed so monotonous. Uninspired. Forced. And while saying something like that might just make me sound like another pathetic fangirl, I just really don't know how else to explain it.

Everyone has that one band/artist that defines their life at any given moment. Or, in my case, sometimes there's more than one band to define more than one moment.. But MCR stands alone in being that ONE special act that CONTINUES to fill new voids in my life. To put it simply, it feels like I grow with them, rather than apart from them... does that make sense??

Just when I start to despair and believe that no one really cares to dream or to save anyone in this world anymore, in comes this (now red headed) super hero. Like something straight out of a comic book -  perhaps the very last of his kind on this planet:  here is someone who lives and breathes his art.  And unless you happen to devote your life to any kind of creative field, you might not understand it completely... how empty it feels when you're in a mental block. How frightening your way of thinking becomes when you worry about what others will think or say about your abilities. How exposed you feel when you share a part of who you are.

Your art is always something that you're crazy with, but crazier without.
It's The Weapon.

Gerard Way is the only person that shows me how to use it, time and time again.

*locked and loaded*

Watch out world. 

He's back.
And this time, he's taking me with him.
(And I hope we never return).

*photos taken from: "Na Na Na" (Official music video), conceptualized and co-directed by Gerard Way.

*costumes designed by: Colleen Atwood and Gerard Way.

If you care enough to be further enlightened, visit right now to receive a FREE download of the song "Save Yourself, I'll Hold them Back", and mark your calendars for November 22nd, when their new album "The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys" comes out. 


Law1sfab said...

Looks really cool I will have to check it out. I love the red hair and the style :) Glad that you are back and blogging kitten xxxxx

Ginny said...

God I love this band so much. I haven't had the chance to listen to Danger Days yet, I want to have the time to listen to the whole thing but I am so pumped!

Madeline said...

sweet photos (:


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